Are you building a new home or business and need a connection to CPWS’ dependable water system? Connections are subject to the rules and regulations adopted by the City of Columbia’s Board of Public Utilities.

CPWS desires to meet the needs of our community as efficiently and effectively as possible. We must also ensure that our fees cover our costs. To meet these goals, CPWS is making changes to our New Water Service Request Process and Developer Fees.

The figure and table below present the New Water Service Request Process and the new Developer Fees. You can download the PDF by clicking here.

The flow chart shows each step of the new process, who is responsible for each step, and when each fee will be paid. To begin the process, simply contact CPWS as you normally do, and our capable staff will walk you through the process. This process will improve our effectiveness as we strive to serve our community.


The Developer Fee table presents the new fee structure associated with new water service requests. You will notice four separate fees. Each fee is intended to recover costs as CPWS incurs them. This structure will also prevent new service applicants from paying for fees before they are needed. Also, as you can see from meter fees in the table, CPWS will not be using 5/8” meters for residential service from this time forward.


These changes will go into effect on January 1, 2023. If you wish to speak to a CPWS representative regarding specific questions you might have, please call us at 931-388-4833.